Now, this isn't entirely an altruistic endeavor on my part. It's mostly altruistic, yes, but there's a silver lining in store for me. Lobster eating leaves lobster bits and lobster shell pieces. Most people trash that sort of thing. I make lobster stock! By putting the dearly departed sea-bug remains in a stock pot, adding a mirepoix (1 quartered onion, 2 stalks of rough chopped celery, and 2 rough chopped carrots), a sachet of two bay leaves, and leveling that off with water, I can boil that up for a while and simmer for a few hours to make a delicious lobster stock. Run the pot through a collander to strain, and you can reserve this golden elixir for so many wonderful things.
One of those things is lobster risotto. As with any risotto, you ladle a bit of hot stock bit by bit into your risotto rice, stirring as you cook to let the rice absorb the liquid and get all swollen and creamy. Usually risotto pairs with cheese to add a little flavor note, but with seafood risotto, I like to add a little saffron to give a delicate flavor and a beautiful color. For this one, I finished up with some seared scallops, which isn't relevant other than the fact that they're delicious.
At any rate, my point is to never throw out lobster carapace. Lobster stock can be bought at specialty stores, but it's kinda expensive and if you've already sunk cost into a nice lobster, why not maximize the benefit?
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